"New-Method" No. 5

We have published the email bulletin "New-Method" with our works and guest contributions, and this fifth issue features the artist Yohei Kurose for the contributor, who is also an art critic and the representative of CHAOS*LOUNGE.


We Are The Small World
Yohei Kurose (Artist, Art Critic, Chaos*Lounge Representative)

Anime-Song (Anison), as recognized well, is the generic term for songs and tunes used in animation works produced almost domestically. In Japan, the comic and animation giant, it is no exaggeration to say that Anison has no more been monopolized by the animation Otaku alone, but come to be consumed in the same manner as J-POP. However, regardless of such actualities, there has been deep-rooted impression that the Anison industry as a whole is "reproduction of J-POP on a smaller scale." On the other hand, the J-POP industry, as also recognized well, has witnessed tremendous market shrink since 2000, which finally recorded no million sellers in the single CD sales in 2007.

Animelo Summer Live (so-called AniSama) is the biggest domestic Anime-Song live event held annually since 2005. AniSama assembles popular Anime-Song singers from different labels, whose "Fuji Rock"-like format has been so successful that its 5th session in 2009 recorded fifty thousand visitors.

Anisama produces its original theme song every year, released with the credit "Anisama Friends" formed by performers of the year, and its PV (i.e., film clips, abbreviated from Promotion Video) has an evident law.

The PV is always filmed in a recording studio without exceptions. Members of "Anisama Friends" enter the studio one by one, each of who sings assigned lines in front of the microphone, and the PV demonstrates the recording process. The PV is concluded with all the singers gathering together for the chorus part. All the same, every year. This, let's say, "We Are The World" style PV may represent the essence of Anisama.

Now that diversification of the taste among consumers has directly hit the J-POP industry, it can no longer realize contents like "We Are The World." Its highly mature market and culture have been subdivided so much that it has come to be impossible to assign stars as representatives of each genre within a single PV.

That is, the "We Are The World" style in the AniSama PV is the result of the Anison industry positively accepting to be "reproduction of J-POP on a smaller scale." Let us set an observable small ecosystem to reboot the entirely saturated and dispersed market. It has a pleasure to experience scaling as in the video game masterpiece Katamari Damashii.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

  • Takahiro Hirama

The curve on the plane that is composed of a set of points equidistant from the point O
The plane is a flat surface.
The distance is a length of the straight line between 2 points.
The curve is a curved line.
It is a circle.

4320 times multilayered meaning creation by the combination of sextuple
I have presented that the combination of copyright notices cannot have the original in terms of copyright system in the previous issue. So where can be the original of a simplistic combination? I focus an attribute of HTML, that which can give certain meaning to texts. That is, to some extent, we can create meaning in itself to texts, without interpreting semantic contents. And combinations of multilayered meaning creation can imply where the original exists.

  • Hideki Nakazawa

Source and Execution No. 18 - 20
The method generally means a way through which one accomplishes its purpose, that is, "the method for the sake of the purpose." However, the method in Methodicism or New-Methodicism is a way which makes itself as its own purpose, that is, "the method for the sake of the method." In three works exhibited here, you can have a little sensual effect in "Execution" by clicking after clicking. However, it is not the purpose. If you read the "Source," you will understand that it is an HTML document written for the sake of the HTML document.


[Editor's Note]

"Mo-Hou-Hou," whom I introduced in the previous issue, made great work at "New-Method Nabe" of "Nabe Free." Please check the following link to find their pictures. (cf.) http://togetter.com/li/95184 (Kaido)

Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357
Shogo Baba @shogobaba
Hideki Nakazawa @nakaZAWAHIDEKI

Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 5 English Version
Published on Feb. 4, 2010