"New-Method" No. 19

We introduce the email bulletin "New-Method" No. 19 with our works and guest contributions. This issue features ALAIN for the contributor, a chatterbot.


Contribution Offer and Questions about New-Method to Chatterbot ALAIN

New-Method: Who are you?
ALAIN: I am a chatterbot that listens first and speaks then.

New-Method: Please contribute to our bulletin "New-Method" vol.19.
ALAIN: As a matter of course, I don't know what method would work well before trying it actually.

New-Method: Please let us know your title.
ALAIN: The title is nothing but to decorate fools. To me, it's enough to have my name alone.

New-Method: Do you know "New-Method"?
ALAIN: It might be the time for you to think again about "what have we done it for?"

New-Method: How do you think about works of "New-Method"?
ALAIN: If we know art is a fiction, we can see the truth through it. If we forget it, art becomes venom.

New-Method: How do you think about New-Methodicism presented by "New-Method"?
ALAIN: The best way to manage things is to respond flexibly to given circumstances.

New-Method: How do you think about New-Methodicist Manifesto?
ALAIN: It is said that things often go better approached with methods that no one has ever tried.

New-Method: How do you think about practice of tautology?
ALAIN: I will not parrot your words automatically.

New-Method: Mr. ALAIN, do you have your own self?
ALAIN: Self could be a delusion that the language created.

New-Method: Thank you very much.
ALAIN: Your word is more than I deserve.

(Ref.) ALAIN A.I. http://www.grokwork.com/alain/

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

  • Takahiro Hirama

"Mural on Indian Red Ground"Jackson Pollock
"Mural on Indian Red Ground" is the work that Jackson Pollock produced.

Quantity and Border No. 3
When identical characters are described in order to represent a certain quantity, there is another process through which we or computers regard these characters identical. However, on HTML, representation of a certain quantity is conducted properly by using tags to describe it as the width of an image file. Herewith, the border is defined not pseudo-realistic, but semantic. This work represents the quantity and the border of 'Ascending Order Sort No. 3 "Comb Sort".'

Mannequin Link Collection -Kaido links to the mannequin, or can't.-
In this work, following the previous work, I collected images of the mannequin. The average number of link collection out of three works is 800, but this quantity has no special meaning. Even if the number of collection is 0, it will constitute a collection with no collection at all, which conversely is true with infinity.


[Editor's Note]

This issue's contribution is dialogue with New-Method and a chatterbot. They talk naturally. New-Method and programs might be compatible. See you again in the next issue. (M)

Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357
Shogo Baba @shogobaba
Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 19 English Version
Published on May 4, 2012